the finds.

the finds is a socially engaged project, where i aim to bring more attention to the space i occupy as a young striving emerging artist in brisbane. by updating the playlist, promoting it, and showing up to gigs regularly, i hope to bring artists and audiences together; to inspire communication and collaboration in the community, and to have conversations about the industry we are apart of.

the playlist spawned from an idea after brisbane's iconic live music venue, the zoo, announced it was closing. i saw an opportunity to curate local up-and-coming artists and put more eyes (and ears) on their projects. i may be biased, but i think brisbane's music scene is so wonderful, encouraging and talented, and i hope this playlist of mine can do some little part in supporting this community.

the finds is a constant work in progress as i continue to build the playlist itself and the community around it. it features a variety of talent from emerging artists. the project features an eclectic bunch of genres, with songs ranging from indie-folk tunes, to catchy pop tracks, grunge rock anthems, to jazz-fusion goodness. there is something to like for every listener, and it all comes from the meanjin / greater brisbane area. isn't that awesome? (yes).

if you have a song you feel deserves to be on my lil' playlist, feel free to email or message me. i would love to hear it :')

"the finds" gallery.

pics of all my friends performing. more to be added soon :-)